Saturday, February 27, 2010
what a Fun and Happy Day! ^_^
hoho~ back to blog again :D yesterday went out with alvin and joseph to lot 1 and watch a movie. (The Little Big Soilder) by Jackie Chan. =) wah.. that show really can laugh until stomach damn damn pain non stop sia. so long nv watch movie laugh until like that already.. even when the sad part is veri sad and veri funny LOL dunno how to say lah. any people want watch movie maybe u can consider that show? xD. its something about Dynasty Time but its still very funny. already got Jackie Chan mah cfm funny. :D. hahahahas.. nice show.. xD after the movie alvin go home already then diva come find me and joseph and we cycled to bukit panjang lan shop play dota.. saw so many friends there! 2 rounds with ten mile people. ^^ then morning we went to sunshine place to eat and play lan again! played for 2 hr 30 mins then chiong go home already. damn tired now! im gotta take a shower and sleep now Bye~ ^_^
Going crazy at...
6:50 PM
Tuesday, February 23, 2010

WTF~ i was shock man!! i wanted to close my house door already then suddenly saw this fking insect outside my house,, at first i thought it was grasshopper, but it was a mantis xD but it was quite cute luh ^_^ HAHA im not sick ahH! xD
lols~ now playing perfect world. =) damn boring! keep do quest do quest and do quest. nvm i wanna go check it out weather the mantis still outside my house anot.. hahahahas.. ^.^ BYE~
Going crazy at...
8:24 AM
Saturday, February 20, 2010
what a busy day. ^_^
IM BACK AGAIN! =) 2days nv sleep le.. damn tired man! wan die already. xD today went to boon lay with derrick,yong khan and alvin to take SNSD album.then we went to bukit timah to find mun fai and mandy to play pool but me and alvin go play lan :D at last naddddddyyyy come find us at timah. after all those pools and lan. we took a cab to lot 1 and eat at food junction. all go home after that except alvin and me. we went to National University Hospital to visit augustin with pearlyn. fell asleep beside augustin's bed. when i woke up,, i saw jacky and nick already. haha~ we slack until 12+am at the hospital until the visiting time is over! nurse keep come in kpkb but we dun wan go coz actually visiting time over is at 8pm but we keep dun wan go until 12am+ xD. then the nurse go call her senior come in. we straight stand up and go when the senior open the curtain. =) cab-ed home after that.. Now i wan really wan faint liao. Tired! ByeS~ ^_^
Going crazy at...
11:08 AM
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Bitch _|_
Going crazy at...
5:36 AM
Today is quite boring at school~
today actually nv late de!! alvin ask me late with him. hahas we went to eat macdonald at Lot 1 after that we take MRT go school. at class keep kpkb. haha budden after recess i dunno why im so tired~ then fell asleep in class. after school,, went home with lincoln. :D now im going to bathe le! ByE~ XD
Going crazy at...
4:42 AM
Sunday, February 14, 2010
CNY!! ^_^
this is what you did to me. =)
hoho.. just reached home from outside.. :D today damn freaking busy!! morning wake up prepare then go my ah ma house until 4pm liddat then go my uncle house until 9pm liddat after that go to woodlands to find alvin,swee seng, ah han, augustin and pearlyn. =) i gamble at my uncle house,, starting win damn alot!! after that i too greedy.. lose like hell.. T_T after that at augustin house also gamble! won $30+! muahaha. im too lucky!! ^^ we play until 1am+ then wan take mrt go home coz we thought that the mrt ends at 2.30am! kena cheated =( cab home after that.. Today veri fun and happy luh.. so long nv see all my cousins already. CNY ROX! hehe.. ok lah now i want to go bathe already! Bye!!~~
Going crazy at...
1:26 PM
Saturday, February 13, 2010
today whole day at home!! wake up le then play comp until 7+ then eat reunion dinner until now still damn full! i wan vomit already! =( Soon going to Bukit Panjang tenmile lan wor.. my fren keep ask me go! so irritating!! i nv go like will die liddat.. luckily got bicycle if not no nid go le. hahas go there also play dota only.. maybe got inhouse match? muahaha.. ok lah going panjang le.. friend kao pei kao bu!! hahha jkjk =) i choose to go mah. hehe..
why everyone must treat u good then u will sastify?
after that treat u too good u will find it irritating..
cant understand. xD
im not scolding.. just wondering. :D
Going crazy at...
8:54 AM
Thursday, February 11, 2010
hais~~ nv go school again..
hahs. damn joke. who msg who first? __ dun talk crap here please.. dun think you know me that much. you don't even know me more. just wanna ask you nicely you so fuck up.. sua lorh. you want say what then say lorh what can i do? its your mouth your hand anyways.
woots! playing dota and SA, and going out recently.. =) NEW YEAR COMING!@ MUAHAHA gonna meet up with all my cousins again!! ^_^
Going crazy at...
9:49 PM
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
A no life day =)
why do you have to make it like this??
i must endure more!! =)
today damn no life.. whole day playing computer from 1pm until now and msg nadia awhile.. nv go out until.. at home watch youtube videos.. play Suddenattack,Audition and Dota. =) but my mind is not only about games only.. my illness is gone!! =) tomorrow must go sch! hehe.. now i gotta go bathe already then decide weather to sleep or play somemore.. Bye~ ahh and,, get well soon nadia.. ^.^ muahah.. XD
(patience) ^_^
Going crazy at...
8:20 AM
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
now im sick again..
hais~~ falling sick again!! think too much.. =( today went to the doctor with my mum.. then saw my sister's boyfriend :D the doctor gave me 2 days mc!!! so good.. no need go school for 2 days. ^_^ but theres one thing not good also.. only that person know what thing's not good? maybe. xD okay lah now i want go bathe and watch step up 2 again!! hahas Bye Bye~ muahah
Going crazy at...
6:15 AM
Monday, February 8, 2010
when im asleep, when im awake,
when im happy,when im sad,
when im playing,
no matter what i do and where i go
my mind and heart is still with you. =)
Going crazy at...
9:09 AM
hais~ =(
just back from school! hehe.. why i dun feel tired at all!? 30hr plus nv sleep le.. only at school sleep awhile =) sians lorh after school go home with lincoln.. we slacked awhile at house downstair then go home le. now damn hungry! house nothing to eat also. :( at night then go buy food eat bah.. now i want go bathe already! BYE~! ^_^
Going crazy at...
1:14 AM
Sunday, February 7, 2010
okay.. i know already.. Sorry!! =)
i will wait for you.. :D
Woots just came back from outside :D today i went out with alvin and augustin! we went to orchard to find new year's clothes.. after that alvin and augustin go fitting room, after they see the price of the clothes. they were shock!! $100!! they enough money but then its like so expensive then never buy already hahas.. after that we go walk walk awhile lorh then take cab go bugis walk walk too.In the end we never buy clothes. xD boring already then we go play lan at iluma~! 1 hour for $3.50 so expensive!!! hahas after that we go eat pastamania!! not full enough then we order 1 more pizza. LOL! after that duno want go where then play lan again for 1 hour!! too cheap le.. use card lorh. LOLOLOL! we say that for the whole day. i say see what shirt u like just take and buy it. use card lorh! but my card dun even have so much money!! not even enough for 1 clothes.. hahahas! lame rite? ^_^ today very fun luh even when we are on the way home in the mrt also funny! keep disturb other ppl. bad uh. hehe.. ok lah now i wan go bathe already! 2 more hour need to go school already.
in my life 1st time eat pastamania was at Plaza Singapura and 2nd time at woodlands if im not wrong! nah dun think im wrong :D not intersted to know right?? i know LOL. OK LA I GO BATHE LE!!! BYE~~ ^.^
Going crazy at...
12:17 PM
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Shud i say can i say shall i say?? >
ohh. its coming again. == i really got alot alot of thing to say to her and ask her somethings. but i just duno how to start with and i dun think she will want to know :( maybe she know what is it that what i wan to say already? think so.. hahs today go out with alvin,munfai, bala,derrick,yongkhan,mandy and naddy! :D we went to bukit timah to play pool. hehe after that play awhile only then sian le coz got many people then dun feel like playing le. dun like ppl to see when im playing =) then we decided to play lan lorh. Left For Dead 2. damn funny.. most of them never play b4. ^.^ we went to eat chicken rice after that.. the menu was set a set b and set c,, after that i tell that auntie i wan Sexy (refering to set c) :D LOL... hahas lame.. XD take bus go back to lot 1 then go to library with naddy and yongkhan. (gameplan) LOL dun angry ah!! ^_^ playing only.. hehe after that yk and me acompany naddy go bukit gombak pass her brother money for SNSD album.. her brother veri good lorh. just ask naddy what she want to eat, then she just order and her brother pay.. veri nice.. muaha =) (he should do that) LOL.. jkjk.. then after that we take mrt go back le. then now im going to bathe already!! nothing much to say already. >< Bye~ ^_^
Going crazy at...
3:14 AM
Thursday, February 4, 2010
i got that feeling again hais.. i dunno what to do now! why this kind of thing must happen? i really still like her.. veri much! i try everything to make her hate me. but in the end.. she lost feeling towards me but i still have the feeling towards her.. hais~~ maybe she should go for him.. maybe she will be happier :D no more difficulties for her already.. the problem is solve i think. ^^ dun nid to care about me. hehe..Today at school okok lorh nothing much. :D after sch acompany yong khan go jurong east take money from somebody for the SNSD album after that go back yew tee again find nadia they all.. i duno what i was thinking. hahs after that i decided to go home. Sorry anyways.
Going crazy at...
11:59 PM
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Hais.. just back from school!!! =) damn tired de lorh.. today at school quite fun lah hahas dunno why today i so hyper in school.. hehe.. after school straight away go home with alvin,derrick and mun fai after saying bye to nadia they all. lame rite?? =.= ok lah i wan go bathe then sleep le. today damn damn tired!!!
Going crazy at...
11:53 PM
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Wow.. my rest awhile is until now.. cool uh? Fking cant wake up again! 11.26am WDF! im such a pig man! i've already slept so long then i rest awhile only still fking can sleep for so long when there's a alarm clock waking me.. PIG PIG PIG! fine. forget it. later father come back comfim gimme fking face see. or maybe i will wear my uniform and tell him i just came back from school? muahaha ok la i wan go bathe le. BYE~ (Finally done alot of things to my blog :D)
Going crazy at...
7:26 PM
ZZZ FINALLY CAN LIAO TMD!!! OTHER THINGS I WILL UPDATE OTHER DAYSS NOW NO MOOD MAN!! i go rest awhile first later going to school le!! zz 4.20am liao =.= see later how then update other stuff.. =)
Going crazy at...
12:19 PM
Going crazy at...
12:13 PM
From young until now u never been treated like this before? its my fault then..
hais... Just woke up again!! and its 3am already =.= 3 more hours need to prepare to bathe and go school!!! DAMN BORING MAN!! looks like Feb 2 2010 was my most Cruel moment?? and im just wondering was it my fault to do this anot.. hahs. nevermind already. we're friends back again! hehe.. cool uh? =.= thanks alot Jing Feng and Alvin =)
AND.. SORRY WEBSTER!!! i dunno why i go and punch you! maybe i got mental problems.. =(
my fault again.. :D everything's my fault.. =)
Going crazy at...
10:55 AM