Sunday, April 25, 2010
quite a time never update blog. :O today went swimming with sweeseng,alvin,joseph and munfai at jurong east swimming complex :)damn fun sia today, rent-ed 3 float and keep playing the slide. spent almost whole day in the Lazy pool and Wave pool. haha! got 1 small girl come disturb me while im lying at my float enjoying the wave~ still flip the float upside down! can laugh somemore.. fker~ dunno pop out from where to disturb me. Lols nvm, had fun anyway~ (: after that went to eat then go back to choa chua kang! went to sunshine and play for 1hour of lan after that all come my house slack awhile then go home le ^^ shiok rite me? they still need to take transport go home. LOL jkjk ^_^ hehe~ now my skin fking black and red... =( gonna get someburn soon. hmm ok bah let's stop here i wanna sleep already.. ByEz!
PS: i did wrong.
Going crazy at...
8:38 AM
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
TIRED!! :'(
Damn bloody tired now but still cant sleep coz school start 4hour later. haisss~ just watched finished a show called "Monga" what a freaking nice show.. its a chinese/hokkien show about Gangster and Brothers.(something like that) that show made me cry twice! maybe i got too much feelings. haha! cheh~ in the beggining damn funny then after that become more sad and sad. made me think of alot of things. nb! now finding comedy shows to watch ba. :) dun wan sad de liao xD lata 5am meeting alvin.. hmm, my last show bah :) Adiosss..
Going crazy at...
11:11 AM
Sunday, April 18, 2010
hmmmm... now going to school already! ahhh.. so tired~ =( haven sleep! just now went to tenmile with diva acompany him play lan awhile then go slack at teck whye macdonald. damn funny disturb 1 bangala laugh till dunno like what. then keep chatting chatting and chatting til 4am then i walk home le. now 6.30 am le! Juz bathe finish :) going to school now!! ^_^ BYe~ Ahjigux3! ^^
PS: When you lost it, your really will think of it everytime again and again. :'(
Going crazy at...
3:13 PM
Saturday, April 17, 2010
What a Fun day and a memory place. :) :(
Today went to iluma play lan!!! b4 that,, me alvin and mun fai go to (woodlands) first coz alvin selling his SuddenAttackSea account. walk around (Causeway Point) while waiting for those ppl who want to buy alvin's account to come. after they reach, follow those people to their lanshop at woodland north plaza if im not wrong.. cant rmb clearly.. cool V.I.P room wif Cool keyboards and headphone. ^_^ after alvin sold his account we cab-ed to bugis. tell the uncle Iluma he go bring us to dunno what Fu Lu Shou Temple there. zzz~ lost for awhile then walk back to the right place :D meet up wif 2 Sa Friends there and play-ed for 3hours coz training for mini compy. after lan, Mrt-ed back to lot 1 meet Brandon and swee seng. they acompany me go eat after that all go home le :)
Going crazy at...
9:11 AM
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Today: woke up. play comp all the way until alvin, munfai and joseph come my house. went to sunshine buy bubble tea and slack around then played 1 hour of lan. after that all go home except me. i went to find akira,lincoln,Yong Quan,Ah Chen,Bryan Klass,Johnson and Xinyu at esso. after that akira drove us to ave 5 and slack. lazy to type out everything gonna rest awhile coz lata got school. home sweet home after that. FullStop.
Yesterday: at home play comp then all come my house first then plan want go where. got swee seng,ah han,aaron,alvin,joseph and mun fai. walk around sunshine then lot 1. saw swee seng's friend. after that bla bla bla.. then went back to ave 4 on the way there, swee seng was talking to his friend earlier we saw at lot 1 and they thought that alvin and me was saying something about them. sat down at near block 449 there then swee seng's friend ride bicycle come. the face so guai lan then talk until so funny like i will scare like that somemore 15 years old only. i know lah my face nerd mah nice to be bully. ask my parents why they gimme this face lorh~ xD =.= asking those gangster things~~ keep ask me to 1v1 him if not i must say sorry~ _|_ him. nv even do anything wrong ask me say sorry but in the end i also nv say lah and nv 1v1 him. we come out happy happy slack slack then he wan come find trouble =.= awhile more suddenly saw akira's van stop around the place where i am. then lincoln come out with akira they all. bla bla bla.. dun nid to say coz really veri long story can write till whole blog page.. xD in the end... the problem is solved~ and.. home sweet home for me and friends! :)
Going crazy at...
12:50 PM
Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Going crazy at...
9:18 AM
Going crazy at...
8:42 AM
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Joke for the day. :)
Yo~ rot at home today play sa,dota,audition,facebook and viewing of blogs. after that alvin,sweeseng and brandon came to find me. a boring day became a funny and laughing day xD went to lot 1 b4 that when boarding the bus swee seng throw the coins and shout ( 2 people!) for him and brandon. the uncle face straight gong diao~ swee seng keep shout and shout in the bus.hahahaah! laugh until stomach pain see the uncle face. :) went to arcade and play car racing games.. went to macdonalds to buy a burger.. swee seng never bring money then angry coz he need to see us eat. hahaa.. after that walk-ed to pasa malam and walk walk.. treat swee seng a ramly burger. See! i so good! ^^ hehe.. saw 1 ah gua at the pasa malam. wear until so sexy figure so nice budden when he turn around and speak. ... no comment and felt disgusted! Damn spoil mood man! hahaaa. all went home after that. juz now after reach home keep dota dota until now 3am le. zz later need to go school liao~ haha.. i go rest awhile first ba ^_^ Sayonaraaaaaa
Going crazy at...
11:53 AM
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Fun day uh. ^^

today damn tired! but also fun coz got (seng tua)hokkien word.... something like god de things lah. hehe 9am went to meet lincoln and ah han then we cab to there. near keat hong LRT there. damn many people! my group played the drum thing to let the god go to the human's body(possesed) LOL dunno how to spell.lion dance/dragon after that. After they've done all those things in the seng tua.. they went to another seng tua while only my group left at our own ones. they went there at 11am and will be back at 2pm. 3 hour wor.. hehehe we keep playing at there and go and see all the gods statue. i went to a dark dark room. all the gods from hell. there were many picture on the wall like toture all those people that have done wrong things.. scary uh~ after that all my friend went out of that room only left me. felt tired and fell asleep inside that room! it was like wtf! all those god's spirit looking at me sleeping. but lucky no people if not die. haha~ at least manage to take a photo coz was damn busy there and have many many things to do. after they came back. they duno do what then the god return to their place. Lion dance/Dragon again then finish~ Hoho. Lame story today. hahah. juz reached home. now wanna go bathe already! chou chou. ^_^ Bye.
Going crazy at...
12:46 AM
Thursday, April 1, 2010

Lols took this photo last week i think.. cool uh =)
today went to watch movie with derrick, (Clash Of The Titans) the story is almost the same as Percy Jackson And The Lightning Thief. all those character same but different people act.. home sweet home after that then play dota wit yong khan and nadia awhile while skyping. then all hung up after that coz no one was talking. now waiting for 9pm show~ Wufu!! haha.. thats all! ^_^
Going crazy at...
4:59 AM